What is DrGadgets.pk payment policy?
  • Cash upon delivery is a simple and reliable payment policy we offer our customers.
  • Order our products without any hesitation and pay at your doorstep.
What is DrGadgets.pk return policy?
  • You can return or exchange any product if it is incorrect, incomplete, or if the box is damaged within 3 days of delivery.
  • We do not accept returns or exchanges if you open the box, and the item is not working.
  • For items that are not working or damaged, please contact the brand owner for warranty and replacements.
  • DrGadgets.pk reserves the right to reject a return request if our return policy is misused or if the product is returned without tags or other components.
What are the conditions for return or exchange?

To return or exchange a product with DrGadgets.pk, you must:

  1. Have video proof of opening the Delivery box.
  2. Ensure the product is in the same condition as delivered: unused, genuine, and without any flaws.
  3. Keep the product seal and box unopened; otherwise, we cannot process the return.
  4. Provide the order number or proof of purchase such as email or WhatsApp screenshot (if you order via Whatsapp.


What is the procedure for Returns or Exchange?
  1. Contact Us: Chat with our agents on WhatsApp at +923471949343 or email us at [email protected].
  2. Register Your Complaint: Our support team will get in touch with you shortly to register your complaint.
  3. Prepare the Return: Make sure the product is packed properly for return.
  4. Return Charges: The return shipping charges are the customer’s responsibility. The company will not refund these charges.
  5. Refund or Exchange: Once we receive the returned product, we will give you exchange product or refund the principal amount of the product within one week.
When will I receive my exchanged item?

The transit time for the exchanged shipment is the same as our standard delivery time, which is typically 3 to 5 business days from the time the exchange is shipped. You will receive an exchange item of equal value to your original order.

For further details and query kindly contact us at:

WhatsApp Number: +923471949343

Email: [email protected]